
interior conflict?

Today, we finally made the first move since the concrete part completed two weeks ago. The electrician couple came in to get things settled for carpenter to work with on wednesday. They spent all morning installing the hot water heater and the duct for bathroom fan which will be put into place later. Before they went for the lunch break, we had a little final discussion about where all the light, outlet and faucets are going to be. They told me they can get rest of the work done by the end of the day, so I went ahead and called the carpenter to come tomorrow instead of wednesday.
Although there were few problems during the installation, they all got solved in the end. Overall, I thought things are going so well at this point. Unfortunately, I was wrong...

Three hours later, I got a call from the electrician to tell me that he wont be able to come in the afternoon because he got another urgent case coming in hand, and he want to come tomorrow morning instead.. 

Later in the afternoon, I called him up to confirm the time he'l be coming tomorrow.  Unexpectedly, he told me that he has to postpone it again to wednesday. I was shock but didn't know how to react except accepting this bad news as the the way it is.  

On the one hand, I felt I have the right to argue with him because he made the plan with me first and I am on the tight schedule too (I really wouldn't mind if I have a lot of time in hand), plus I already told carpenter to come tomorrow.) On the other hand, I don't know how to stand firmly with my position as a hirer in this case. It has a lot to do with not only the fact that I don't have any experience with negotiating professionally but also I felt pretty uncomfortable to argue with someone elder besides my parents.

Pin asked me to call and try to show them that it really matters a lot whether or not if they can come in tomorrow. She is afraid they might be taking advantage of me because I am not intimidating at all as a commander. In the end, we still got the same answer, "no," but I hope at least that last phone call wasn't just a waste of time.

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